James D. McCallister

author of the Edgewater County series

Nice Press for DIXIANA

Got a nice, albeit brief, slot on the local Good Morning show this week. Handling press appearances is second nature at this point—I have been on both sides of the equation, as interviewer and interviewee—but sitting in front of the lights with Dixiana and Down in Dixiana propped on their little bookstands made me realize that […]

DIXIANA Events Begin

It’s a long year ahead of Mind Harvest Press book releases and roll-outs, but for local readers here in Columbia, SC, the first Dixiana signing and discussion comes this week.


Here’s an essay I wrote following the death of my mom back in 2015. I sent it around to a couple of competitions, but it didn’t seem to tickle any fancies. During the summer of my mother’s fatal cancer ordeal, on the sixth of August—Hiroshima Day, a hell-on-earth milestone after which all of human history […]

Letter to a Dead Girl

Dear Allyson: It’s that grim anniversary again. I was up before the dawn today thinking of you, and of how there are no more dawns and dusks where you are, which is not with us here on the blue rock.