James D. McCallister

author of the Edgewater County series

The Colonel (RIP)

Last month the local community said goodbye to a figure of renown, Col. Jack Van Loan, USAF (ret.), a true friend to our neighborhood, and to me personally. He will be missed. Here is a brief essay about our relationship. When I first met the man I would come to think of as The Colonel, […]

Poetry Era Begins

Sure. We have at least three more Edgewater County novels in stages of publication prep, a memoir in the oven, and who knows what else in terms of writing projects heading down the Mind Harvest Press pike. But wait; there’s more. The era of James D. McCallister: Poet has arrived.


It’s here. The moment of completion, while it has taken many forms throughout this final Dixiana unfoldment in 2019, doesn’t come more definitive than publication day of the third of three, 11-11-19. My long gestating literary epic is fully birthed into the world. It’s here. Enjoy, folks. No telling what folks will make of this interesting […]