James D. McCallister

author of the Edgewater County series

Press Kit


by James D. McCallister

Trade Paperback (978-1-946052-00-1) & E-book (978-1-946052-01-8) General Fiction/Literary
Pub date: January 17, 2017

Obsession with the past, both successes and failures, rob us of the present and diminish possible futures… so sometimes it’s best to let the glory pass away.

An aging Southern novelist struggling to find a new story to tell. A forty-something singer-songwriter still dreaming of the big break that never quite came. A legendary rock superstar who despises fame forced to endure a very public honor from his hometown. Three troubled, creative souls, each searching for a fresh success that remains elusive —and if they do discover newfound validation, will they even want it?

Both a love song celebrating the South’s rich arts heritage as well as a literary rebuke of the failure to recognize the danger inherent in glorifying an equally troubled cultural history, Let The Glory Pass Away explores with humor and pathos the lives of artists who echo the flaws of their community.

By the time a romantic triangle begins to develop among the principals, the stakes take on a dimension of heartbreak that makes the writing of books and singing of songs seem insignificant indeed. James D. McCallister (King’s Highway, Fellow Traveler), presents a weary, bemused narrator surrounded by characters grappling with tragedies past and present, each burgeoning with promise that can only blossom when, and if, they allow questionable glories to pass away.


What fellow Southern novelists are saying about LET THE GLORY PASS AWAY:

A witty, nuanced look at the struggles of a Columbia, South Carolina novelist trying to find his place in the wider creative landscape, while witnessing a creative blossoming in his hometown. Let the Glory Pass Away is big-hearted, sure-footed in its insights, and a whole heck of a lot of fun.”
—Karin Gillespie, Love Literary Style

Like a writer’s life, this novel is a riotous mix of comedy, tragedy, and revelation. Artists and their patrons alike will enjoy McCallister’s well-crafted and poignant tale.
—James E. McTeer, Minnow

James D. McCallister’s funny, verbose, and memorable Cort Beauchamp is many artists: desperate to create, yet always standing in his own way. This stumbling hero’s journey is a most worthy read. —Carla Damron, The Stone Necklace


Catherine A. Shuler 765.404.5866 editor@mindharvestpress.com cat@mindharvestpress.com www.jamesdmccallister.com www.mindharvestpress.com

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Press Release for Let the Glory Pass Away